Background academic works to the ‘wine and economics’ entry in the the Oxford Companion to Wine edited by Jancis Robinson (Oxford University Press). The few books on this topic are listed separately. All contributions are featured in chronological order.
July 2004.

Ricardo D (1817) On The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, John Murray, London. Chapter 7 On Foreign Trade features the famous ‘wine-for-cloth’ example he used to illustrate comparative advantage.
Here is a link to a free copy of it (courtesy of The Liberty Fund).
Milhau J (1935) Etude Econométrique du Prix du Vin en France, Graille-Castelnau, Montpellier.
Bartoli P, Boulet D, Lacombe P, Laporte J-P, Lifran R and Montaigne E (1987) Economie Viticole de la France, INRA, Montpellier.
Spahni P (1988) The Common Wine Policy And Price Stabilization, Avebury, Aldershot.
Spahni P and Labys W C (1992) Le Vin, Economica, Paris.
Spahni P (1995, 2000) The International Wine Trade, Woodhead, Cambridge.
Anderson K (editor) (2004) The World’s Wine Markets: Globalization at Work, Edwar Elgar, London.
Dubos J (1966) ‘L’Articulation et la mesure des variables qui influencent le marché vinicole et leur utilisation pour la prévision’, Gestion (Dunod), Septembre, 3-20.
EC Commission (1969-71) Constatation des cours des vins de table à la production – Allemagne, France et Italie (3 separate reports), Informations internes sur l’agriculture, Commission des Communautés Européennes, Bruxelles.
EC Commission (1969-71) Conditions de commercialisation et de formation des prix des vins de consommation courante au niveau de la première vente – Allemagne, France et Italie (3 separate reports), Informations internes sur l’agriculture, Commission des Communautés Européennes, Bruxelles.
Biondolillo A L (1972) Social Cost of Production Instability in the Grape-Wine Industry: Argentina (Ph.D. thesis), University of Minnesota.
Wohlgenant M K (1978) An Economic Analysis of the Dynamics of Price Determination: A Study of the California Grape Wine Industry (Ph.D. thesis), Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis.
Terraza M (1981) Economie des processus aléatoires – le cas du marché français des vins de consommation courante (thèse), University of Montpellier.
Tarditi S (1981) L’Analisi dei Mercati Agricoli : Settore Enologico, Facolta di Scienze Economiche e Bancarie, University of Siena.
EC Commission (1983) Wine in the European Community, European Documentation, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg.
Albisu L M and Valles J (1984) Estructura y Analisis a Corto y Medio Plazo del Subsector Vitivinicola Espanol, INIA-CRIDA, Zaragoza.
Nuckton C F (1986) An Econometric Analysis of the California Raisin Industry (Ph.D. thesis), Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis.
Amspacher B (1988) An Econometric Analysis of the California Wine/Grape Industry (Ph.D. thesis), Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis.
Ashenfelter O (1989) ‘How Auctions Work for Wine and Art’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol.3, No3.
Spahni P (1990) ‘Wine budget stabilizers — a question of true balance’, Food Policy, vol 15, no 2, pp 167–72.
Goodhue R E, Heien D M, Lee H and Sumner D A (2000) ‘Contracts, Quality, and Industrialisation in Agriculture: Hypotheses and Empirical Analysis of the California Winegrape Industry’, Research working paper, University of California Agricultural Issues Center, Davis.
Bombrun H and Sumner D A (2003) ‘What Determines the Price of Wine – The Value of Grape Characteristics and Wine Quality Assessments’, AIC Brief No 18, University of California Agricultural Issues Center, Davis.
Shamel G (2003) ‘International Wine Trade: Analyzing the Value of Reputation and Quality Signals’ (paper presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Montreal), Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences, Humbolt University, Berlin.
Steiner B (2004) ‘The Valuation of Labelling Attributes: French Wines in the British Wine Market’, (paper presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Montreal), Journal of Agricultural Economics, July, Vol.55 No2.
Labys W C (1976) ‘An International Comparison of Price and Income Elasticities for Wine Consumption’, Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, (20)1:33-6.
Johnson J A and Oksanen E H (1977) ‘Estimation of Demand for Alcoholic Beverages in Canada from Pooled Times Series and Cross Sections’, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 59(1):113-8.
Dubos J (1977) La Consommation de Vin dans les Pays traditionnellement viticoles, Bulletin de l’OIV, Symposium international sur la consommation du vin dans le monde. Numéro Spécial:41-68.
Folwell R J and Baritelle J L (1978) The U.S. Wine Market, Agricultural Economic Report No. 417, US Department of Agriculture, Washington.
Boulet D, Huguet J-Y and Laporte J-P (1980-82) La Consommation du Vin en France (Enquête INRA-0NIVIT 1981), Tomes I -VI. INRA-0NIVIT, Montpellier. + its regular updates (in 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000) now known as the INRA-ONIVINS consumption study.
Tsolakis D, Riethmuller P and Watts G (1983) ‘The Demand for Wine and Beer’ [in Australia], Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics, 51(2):13153.
Pompelli G K (1987) Consumer demand for wine by households in the United States (Ph.D. thesis), Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis.
Mitchell V W and Greatorex M (1989) ‘Risk reducing strategies used in the purchase of wine in the UK’ in International Journal of Wine Marketing, 1(2):31–46.
Crooks E (1989) Alcohol consumption and taxation, The Institute for Fiscal Studies, London.
Pompelli G K and Heien D (1991) ‘Discrete/continuous consumer demand choices: an application to the US domestic and imported white wine markets’, European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol 18, pp 117–30.
Buccola S T and VanderZanden L (1997) ‘Wine Demand, Price Strategy, and Tax Policy’, Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol 19, 428-440.
Fang C and Pan S (2003) ‘Liquor and Beverage Consumption in China: A Censored Demand System Approach’ (paper presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Montreal), FAO and Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University.
Seale J L, Marchant M A and Basso A (2003) ‘Imports versus Domestic Production: A Demand System Analysis of the U.S. Red Wine Market’, Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 25, N0 1, pp 187-202.
Arahata K (2004) ‘The Wine Market in Japan: Market Competition Amongst Exporting Countries and the Strategy of US Wine’ (paper presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado), Department of Agricultural Economics, Gifu University, Gifu.
GATT (1966) World trade prospects for ordinary wine, Trade Intelligence Paper No 8, GATT, Geneva.
ECE (1969) Le Commerce des Produits Agricoles en Europe – Le Marche European des Produits Viticoles : Vin et Raisin de Table, United Nations, Geneva and New York.
Labys W C (1974) ‘Preliminary Results of an Econometric Model of the International Wine Market’, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva.
FAO (1983) Review of Policies Affecting International Wine Trade, Rome.
Faith N (1983) ‘Overflow – The World’s Wine Trade’, Survey, The Economist, December 24, London.
Lindsey P (1987) An analysis of the effects of exchange rates and trade barriers on the United States wine trade (Ph.D. thesis), Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Davis.
White D and Blandford G B (1988) ‘The competitive position of the United States grape and wine industry’, Cornell University, Ithaca.
FAO/OIV (1990) The Longer Term Outlook in the World Wine Market: Projections to 1995 and 2000, FAO, Rome.
Nishiura K C (1993) ‘Technical barriers to wine trade and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: current disciplines and Uruguay Round implications’ (paper presented at the OIV’s 73rd general assembly in San Francisco), USDA, Washington.
Eyler R C (1999) ‘The International Competitiveness of the California Wine Industry’, Department of Economics, Sonoma State University, Sonoma.
Rabobank (1997, 1999) The World Wine Business, Rabobank International, Utrecht.
Berger N, Spahni P and Anderson K (1999) Bilateral Trade Patterns in the World Wine Market – 1988 to 1997. Centre for International Economic Studies, Adelaide.
Rachman G (1999) ‘The Globe in a Glass’, The Economist, December 18, pp 97-115.
Berger N (2000) Modelling Structural and Policy Changes in the World Wine Market into the 21st Century (M.S. thesis), Department of Economics, University of Adelaide.
Wittwer G, Berger N and Anderson K (2001) ‘A Model of the World Wine Market’, Centre for International Economic Studies, University of Adelaide.